The Value Of Custom Millwork

We love custom millwork as it’s unique to each space and client. The idea behind custom millwork is to not be cookie cutter and not have the same piece of cabinetry as your neighbours or friends, you can customize the size, shape, color and material used. Millwork is versatile; it can be modified to fit a specific space, become any aesthetic and can even be adapted to include lighting and other specialized components. Custom millwork can have its drawbacks, it’s pricier than a free standing furniture item and is built right to the home; sorry it can’t come with you when you move. However when a client can’t find the right piece for a space or wants something custom options, custom millwork is a great choice!

When pondering the decision of adding custom millwork, you should consider how long you will be using the space, how much customization are you looking for, as well as the type of finish and hardware you’re considering as this will all factor in to the cost. This weeks blog will break down four elements of custom millwork so you can know if it’s a fit for you.

Complete Customization

The idea behind having something customized just for you and your needs is the main reason our clients choose custom millwork. You can pick a specific color and finish and can choose your size and your own style. We love that there are so many options to choose from, such as the wood and door styles. Veneers come in so many different colors, textures and wood grains now, as well as in leathers and other materials that the selections are almost endless. Customizing a walk in closet by using custom mirrored or paneled doors can add bling to any ordinary space. We love how there are so many choices and finishes for hardware too. Which brings us to our next topic, the jewel on top. 

Hardware and other “blingy” things

Hardware has come a long way since we first started designing cabinetry and millwork. The finishes, the colors, the blending of mixed metals and the idea that the hardware is the jewel on top is what really excites us. A lot of hardware is now incorporating metal and stone or wood and metal accents as well as extra fancy elements like crystals or Lucite into their design. Hardware sizes and shapes have changed so much as well. Our favorites come in a variety of shapes and finishes and they definitely give the piece its own unique flair. I mean who doesn’t like to open a cabinet with a large pull and anticipate what is inside?

Inside Cabinetry Customization

The exterior of the piece is what most people see and enjoy looking at, but trust us the inside is just as important. Are the shelves adjustable, are there hidden compartments, are there flexible yet ingenious storage solutions hidden inside? In bathrooms we like to have as much storage as possible so we love to work around plumping to maximize the storage space as much as possible. We also love the idea of dual drawers, one drawer opens and another sits concealed above it to hold small treasures.

In kitchens storage is always top of mind, so we like to maximize the shelving inside to give our clients the flexibility they need. Clients are always asking for handy and easily accessible storage solutions for pots, pans, spices and storage containers. Some clients want their dishes in upper cabinets, others want them in handy drawers below; either way dividers for dishes and other kitchen essentials are always considered. Another highly requested kitchen essential? Pull out recycling sorting, being eco-friendly has truly never been easier. 

Providing smart uses of space in a kitchen can make for a smoother cooking and cleaning experience. The most notable problem area are those pesky little corner cabinets that odds and ends wind up in (sometimes never to be found again).  Corner drawers or pull-out storage systems let you easily access what’s inside and can give you extra storage you didn’t think possible. It only makes sense for upper cabinets to reach ceiling height, but what doesn’t make sense is all that storage space you now can’t reach. Built in ladders and rolling ladders can be a fun and practical addition to a kitchen, nothing shouts “custom” quite like it. Another great option is pull down storage systems, similar in idea to ones used in corner cabinets, they too bring your items within reach.

A smartly designed pantry can go a long way for helping eliminate food waste and clutter. Pull out drawers, custom sized shelving and additional storage systems keep your pantry organized and accessible. Our current favourite pantry trend? A hidden one! Similar looking to surrounding cabinets these special spaces are just waiting to be discovered. Sometimes all that is needed is a bit of space planning to achieve the best use of your space and to utilize every nook and cranny.

Lack Of Space

Some projects think about all aspects when the home is being designed, while others think more about the overall house shape and not how it will be best utilized inside. This is where we come in with our creative solutions to solve storage problems. One project that we are working on right now has given tremendous thought to natural light, with a fair amount of windows but little wall space around it for upper cabinets or floating shelves. We have designed some suspended metal and wood shelves over some of the windows so that the natural light can shine through but we can offer our clients some storage as well.

There are some areas that seemingly don’t have enough space, but with custom millwork we can get creative and perhaps steel some space that otherwise wouldn’t be utilized. Under the stairs are a prime example: what about pull out drawers for shoes, gloves and hats? Maybe under the stairs is the best place to showcase your wine collection that you so proudly want to feature. Sometimes the entryway is too tight for a chair or bench but a built-in bench under a set of stairs is a great way to get extra storage or even a cozy reading spot. Sometimes our kitchens can incorporate a small breakfast nook below a window or a small coffee station for easy access. By  utilizing the wall space we do have, we can then consider what would be the best use of space and customize it to our clients individual needs. Getting creative is part of what we do.

accent Walls

Sometimes a wall just needs to be accented with something special. Maybe it is wood slats or something that looks like concrete or maybe it is applied moldings. A combination of millwork and accent features are what makes a room stand out and can easily be achieved with a bit of ingenuity. Our millworkers can come up with some pretty creative ideas that add a bit of pop to an otherwise boring space.

If you are willing to spend the money on some custom pieces you will be glad you did as we rarely hear that our clients have too much storage.  We feel with the right design and the right millworker you can get pretty much anything you want. If you need help with designing something special for your home or office, just give us a call as we are always here to help. 

Happy Thursday!


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