Personally: Biggest Piece Of Advice You Give Your Friends As A Designer

As with any career out there, we are sure you get asked your “expert advice” on things by friends. For example if you are a nurse, you probably get sent photos and asked “is this normal or should I go to the hospital?” all the time. Or as an accountant, you probably get asked tax related questions. As designers, we get asked design related questions all the time by our friends. And because we are good friends, we do not charge, and because we consider you a friend, we will share these tips with you ;)


This is such a great question, and we get asked all the time our opinion on a variety of things from what is the best color for a space, what items are trending right now and where should I look for xyz. The best advice I can give you is that you look at all of your options and go with what you really love, not just what is the most cost effective. Too many people just look at the price of something and they don’t look at why something is the price it is, they just look at the price. Quality comes in many forms and often you pay for what you get. Before you buy the item, tell yourself do I really love it or do I just love the sale price. Some items are meant to be splurged and not scrimped on. 

Things to consider when buying a sofa: quality of stitching, quality and density of the foam, how is the frame made, are there different textures of fabrics and are the fabrics performance grade fabrics. Consider the longevity of the item you are buying and calculate that from the price of it. Performance grade fabrics usually cost more but you have better quality and less hassles with cleaning and long term wear and tear.


The ultimate advice I’d give my friends and family or just anybody who wants to hear my professional advice as a designer is to go with quality seating (sofas, accent chairs, dining chairs, bar-stools/counter-stools etc.) I can’t stress this enough… go with quality and comfort over what just looks “pretty”, you’ll thank me in the long run. When it comes to seating, not only do you need optimum functionality, but the quality of the fabric plays a huge role when picking out furniture. Avoid fabrics that you can easily stretch with your hands. This is because overtime, with constant usage/sitting, that fabric will ultimately stretch within weeks/months of purchase. Once it stretches it can’t be undone, the material will have a loose/wrinkly look to it. You will either have to get it reupholstered, which will most likely cost much more than what you paid for the chair/sofa, or you will have to buy new seating. I say invest in good quality seating from the start to avoid all the hassle.


To be honest I don’t seem to get a repeat question from people, they usually have specific ideas in mind that they want my approval or opinion on. Lately, I seem to be re-iterating over and over again about price jumps and wait times since the pandemic, so I guess that is something I talk about often. If you like something, get it because who knows if it’ll be available next month or how much it’ll increase by. 


One of the main things I like to remind friends and family who are looking for a new perfect piece for their home, is to consider the scale of the item in your space. Before you start your shopping, measure your space, and get an idea of what size would be ideal. Then shop within that. Tape up the floor with the measurements before buying if you can and make sure there is enough clearance to walk around. It really makes a huge difference in the overall look of a room. You don’t want to end up with a piece you thought you liked, that makes the whole room look cramped. Or on the opposite spectrum – a piece that looks way too small and leaves a room looking half empty.


What colour should I paint my walls? Isn’t white boring?

Yes, white can seem boring, but it is the perfect blank canvas for your space. I always advise to go white or very neutral for wall paint colours. If you start with a nice clean slate of white on your walls, it gives you freedom to add accents in your furniture, art, and accessories. For some added interest, add a bold painted accent wall, it will pop in contrast to the white walls.


Like most things, I find people ask for an opinion and then go ahead and do what they want, despite your recommendations, LOL.

One piece of advice I would give, if you have artwork that is not hung on your walls, hang it! If you have artwork that needs to be framed, frame it! I’ve known family members to live in the same home for over a decade, with their art pieces leaned up against their walls the entire time. If I know you, I will offer to hang your pieces, it drives me batty to see unhung artwork. If you can’t manage to do it yourself, hire someone to do the job. Art brings life, personality, and a much needed layer of warmth to your interior design.

Have we answered any of your questions right off the bat? If not, feel free to contact us, we are happy to help.

Happy Thursday!


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