Meet The Team

Over the last few years, the First Impression Designs team has seen some changes, and an introduction to the new members seems needed! Welcome to the FID fam! 

Nav, our newest member, joined us early in the year. She quickly meshed with the group, jumped onto projects and brought her personality (and blueberries from her family farm) to the team. Not only does Nav have the appealing life of living on a blueberry farm she also shares a (stunning) home with close family members, letting us get the best stories about her grandma. When not at work Nav enjoys reality tv shows, eating amazing food - to make us all jealous and throwing rocks for her dog to fetch (yes, we do mean rocks). From being here for just a short time it already feels like Nav has become an integral part of team FID.

Taylor joined us in the Summer and while this introduction is a little late (sorry Taylor!) we are so glad to have her around. Having worked in the office for work experience while in high school Taylor knew the office and some of the team letting her fit right in. If there was one thing to share to really introduce Taylor and her personality it would be her AirPod case; which is a chicken nugget. Her witty humour and love for food makes lunch time that much more enjoyable.

While we do want to introduce the new members we also want to share the... (not going to say "old") more seasoned members of FID. Being here for over a year, Victoria is fundamental in the running of the design team. Our rendering and AutoCAD expert, Victoria is someone we can all go to for anything happening during a project. With her attention to detail and ability to make all things pretty Victoria can turn any project into something special. On weekends she is either cleaning her apartment to her particular standards or taking in some nature on a walk (not a hike). Having lived in Canada for only a few years we all love to give her activities to go experience, and one day we will get her on the wooden roller coaster at Playland.

Joining the same time as Victoria, Lindsey, works hard... to keep the office light hearted. Completing orders, organizing the office and keeping the little things in mind; Lins is a go to for all those pesky problems. Her quirky sense of humour and amusing stories keeps things light (and sometimes meetings long). Making her whole personality revolve around being a proud "Dog Mom", always having Oreos on hand and finding all puns funny, Lins is a lively personality around the office.

Cheryl has been a member of the team for many years and FID wouldn't be what it is without her. Taking in any opportunity to travel and see something new Cheryl is a go to for ideas for a fun weekend trip. Her last trip sent her to Scotland and we enjoyed the stories (and candy) she came home with. Over the last couple of years, we've gotten to experience Cheryl slowly transitioning into a "crazy cat lady"; but when you see her adorable cat, Noor, it all makes sense. While she hasn't yet come to work in a t-shirt with Noor's face on it we will keep you posted ;)

Not to be forgotten, we also have three mamas on maternity leave. Becky, Justine and Aina are all missed in the office - so if any one of them wants to visit with a baby (and maybe a toddler or two) we wouldn't complain.

Lastly, the lady who keeps everything together, Shannon. We are all so thankful to have her as a boss and leader! Some Shannon facts - she loves shoes, caramel and sticky notes; also claims there are no photos of her. So I guess we will wait until the next staff photoshoot.

Happy Thursday!


Project Recap: Touches of Gold


Personally: Local Design Love